Thursday, February 06, 2025

Health Care Construction

Our Team has been completing Health Care (Out Patient Surgery Centers, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Dental Offices and Assisted Living Facilities)  project in Florida and through out the Southeast for over 25 years!  In Florida our AHCA inspection record is unparreled in passing first time inspections.

Out Patient Surgery Centres

Many of our Surgery Centre Projects have been additions to existing facilities, which often requires night time work in order not to disrupt the facility during hours of normal operation.  Our Team understands the importance of communication and scheduling with the administrator  so that the facility continues to  function normally, which is key for the doctors, patients and staff.   We have completed new, "ground up" facilities, as well as new centres in existing buildings.

Skilled Nursing Facilities

Additions and Renovations to existing facilities create many different challenges for a contractor.  Our TEAM understands the importance of scheduling and communications with the facilities staff, in order to minimize disruption to the patients.  We have completed over 30 renovations and over 25 additions to Skilled Nursing homes over the years.

Assisted Living  Facilities

Our TEAM has completed Assisted and Congregate Living Projects through the Southeast.  Our largest Congregate Living project,  in Rock Hill, South Carolina, was a $17,000,000 development that covered 25 acres.

Dental Offices

Over the years, we have completed over 15 dental offices in Florida and Alabama.

